February 9, 2015

Classical French restaurant at Yamanoue Hotel

"Yamanoue Hotel (Hiltop Hotel, 山の上ホテル)" is a very small classical hotel located in Kanda-surugadai (噛んだ駿河台) near Ochanomizu (御茶ノ水). The hotel is known as being regularly used by great literary figures of Showa Era such as Kawabata Yasunari (川端康成), Mishima Yukio (三島由紀夫), Ikenami Shotaro (池波正太郎), etc. because there are a lot of publishing companies there. The hotel has several good restaurants inside, which have contributed to their reputation.
Yamanoue Hotel (Hiltop Hotel)
French restaurant "La Vie"
Poiree of foie gras
Consomme soup
Wine and bread
Grilled sole a la bonne famme
Beef steak
Tiramisu and coffee
On a weekend, I had a lunch at their French restaurant "La Vie (ラヴィ)." They kindly accepted baby (hotel is generally open to everyone.). Most customers were seniors and the atmosphere was genial. The style of cuisine was classical using butter, cream, rich bouillon and so on. This kind of style is rather unique nowadays. If we eat it often, it wouldn't be good for health, but sometimes, it is very delicious, indeed. Consomme soup, grilled sole and beef steak were magnificent. Ingredients were good, but more than that, the sauce was terrific. 

Contrary, dessert was a bit weak. Also, facilities are too old. Honestly speaking, I was surprised that the Yamanoue Hotel is decrepit in this way. If they renovate, they could be more popular. Even so, I was satisfied with the lunch for the taste and good service. The above set meal costs JPY6,000 excluding tax and service charge. My rating was 4.0 out of 5. Gochiso-samadeshita!

Yamanoue Hotel (Hiltop Hotel, 山の上ホテル) http://www.yamanoue-hotel.co.jp/

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